Monday, August 25, 2008

A "social" experiment...

I've just begun a little experiment, which I hope will end with some
satisfaction ;)

I have always wanted to be something really cool like a lord or a
knight, ie. to be called Sir or Lord before my name. But unfortunately
neither does my family own any land in the UK, which technically
entitles you to be a lord, nor have I done anything of recent that
would make me deserve knighthood, ie. to call myself Sir.

But I read a very interesting thing that apparently every subject in
the Commonwealth are allowed to call themselves anything they want as
long as they don't try to be someone else.

But there's the hitch, I'm not a subject of the Commonwealth! I'm
still a minion of the Swedish mighty empire (figure of speech), so
here's where my little experiment starts...

Since the likely hood of a Swede receiving any of these titles soon is
pretty non existent I'm going to have to go about this my way!

So therefore I'm legally changing my name to Sir Niklas Erik Nathanael
Johansson, I'll possibly add a the 2nd or a the 1st just to really top
it off later on.. ;)

Call this vain or stupid, but this'll be the start of my little
crusade to see what a fancy title cab do for someone.

Remember that I don't have any fancy background, wouldn't call myself
rich and definitely don't pack something like four years at Harvard or

So who knows what I can do...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Retardation defined...

When you happen to live 30 minutes outside the city AND you have a day
off from work AND you're heading into the city for a blood donation
for charity the VERY last thing you want to find out is that it was
cancelled, especially NOT when you've hurried there and wait there on
the DOT!!! And ESPECIALLY not from one of your colleagues who got the
news earlier but didn't think of notifying me!! What?! Me pop an
artery?? Just a "little" annoyed...(!!!!!!)

But since I'm here I guess I'll have to make the most of it, going to
a friends EP launch which I'm really looking forward to.
But since that's not until after 19:00 tonight I have a bit of time to

Might catch a movie or something... Heard that new X-file movie sucked
so I might watch that :p

Monday, August 11, 2008

Czech's are fun too... (Edited)

(Post edited since I seem too harsh on the Czech's) ;)

So we went out for a bit of pool and a couple of beers later we
realise it's some sort of a gathering there that night.
There's all these Czechs and Slovaks...

Not sure where I'm getting with this, but we had a great time there!

You want to know how to piss off a Czech? Just call him Slovak, and if
you want to flatter a Slovak, call him Czech... ;)

Apart from listening to "less common in Australia" (dodgy) music (think 80's electro synth mixed
with some 90's shock pop spiced up with eastern european covers of new
songs) they're great people!

Will definitely come here next month again!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Just finished work and sitting in a café enjoying a cup of coffee, and
it hits me like a wet rag, I love this city!

I love the cold weather, the lost tourists, the rude suits pretending
to be on their way somewhere important and I love all the genuine
sydney people!

But alas, I feel I'm just to become one of those hurried people, just
realised I have to be somewhere important!

For if of wasn't for all the damn lost tourists and all these 'bloody
goody two shoe "genuine" my ass' Sydney people, I wouldn't be in a hurry...

But I still love you Sydney...


It's really cold outside, like really cold!
And to think that I just came back from my holiday in Sweden just
then, where it's around 30 degrees Celsius..

And to know that one has the whole spring ahead too..

As noticed I'm writing this from my shiny new iphone which is the best
thing since sliced bread!!

Well, that's all I can manage to write right now...

Catch ya!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Just testing...

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, May 16, 2008

Marvels of the 21st century...

In what appears to be a scientific breakthrough (all be it a little late), scientists have successfully implemented a fully functioning nuclear reactor in a locomotive steam engine.
Steam locomotive "76079" has up until now served as one of the locomotives of the Swindon Historical Railways Trust in the United Kingdom.
The science team that pulled this off, headed by Prof. M Faraday and Dr. H. Geiger, both of the Institute of Nuclear Research, explains that nuclear reaction is very similar to [sic. good old fashion steam power] since they both work in a similar way, ie. steam is the byproduct from the nuclear reaction, which powers the external combustion engine of the locomotive.
The only real drawback are the depleted isotopes, since the organisation who used to take care of the depleted uranium seemingly have vanished. Prof. Faraday is tight lipped about who the "beneficiary" of the isotopes is but let us know that they are from an undisclosed eastern country.